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Grant agreement ID: IR0000010

ELIXIRxNextGenIT is a € 18.6 million project, approved as part of the RRP actions, to consolidate the Italian Infrastructure for Omics and Bioinformatics ELIXIR-IT, coordinated by The National Research Council (CNR) with the participation of the Universities of Bari, Milan, Milan Bicocca, Padua, Bologna, and Federico II of Naples.

ELIXIRxNextGenIT is in continuity with the previous “CNR.BiOmics” RI PON development project, and its primary goal is to enhance all of the ELIXIR-IT platforms (Data, Compute, Tools, Interoperability, Integrative Omics and Training) and Communities (Human Data, Rare Diseases, Galaxy, Proteomics, Systems Biology, Food and Nutrition, Microbiome, Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, Metabolomics).

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