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Statistics and data manipulation with R


Training Platform






Start Date

2024-07-22 11:00:00

End Date

2024-07-24 18:00:00

Content provider

Training Platform


Course Description

This is an R literacy course for people who are not experts in programming. The course will introduce participants to the basic concepts of programming in R and how to perform simple descriptive statistics analysis using R.

Important Dates

Course date (group 1): 22-24 July 2024
Course date (group 2): 9-11 September 2024


This is an online course. The selected participants will receive a Zoom link to connect to the course.


This course is free of charge


Anna Marabotti – Università di Salerno, ELIXIR-IT, Italy
Teresa Colombo, Istituto di Biologia e Patologia Molecolari (IBPM – CNR), ELIXIR-IT, Italy


Teresa Colombo, Istituto di Biologia e Patologia Molecolari (IBPM – CNR), ELIXIR-IT, Italy
Fabiola De Marco, Università di Salerno, Italy


Nancy D’Arminio, Università di Salerno, Italy

Resources and tools covered (max 50 words)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, the participants will:

  • Know what the R programming language is: areas of use and strengths
  • Be able to code and be able to perform basic operations with R (e.g., importing data files into a data.frame; creating and extracting values from vectors, matrices, data.frames or lists; plotting)
  • Know how to inspect and graphically represent in R basic statistical indicators (mean, median, distribution) of a numerical data set
  • Possess a basic knowledge of R that makes it possible to go deeper if necessary

Course prerequisites

No prior understanding of programming and knowledge of R are required. It is mandatory to install R and Rstudio on the participants’ PC before starting the course.

Target audience

The course is designed for young researchers belonging to the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB), who have no prior knowledge of programming and R.

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