The accumulated evidence and studies carried out by members of the TUBE (Transport-Derived Ultrafine and the Brain Effects) consortium have shown that extremely fine UFPs are the most toxic to the lungs on average. It is not mandatory to monitor UFPs from air and exhaust gases, and their emissions or concentrations are not regulated by legislation. Furthermore, their damaging effects on humans, particularly brain health, have not previously been thoroughly studied, although UFPs can easily cross physical barriers and enter the brain. The main objectives of the project are:
(i) To recognize which road traffic air pollutants are responsible for the harmful effects on health;
(ii) Developing AI-based methodology on how UFPs from human trafficking affect brain health in humans;
(iii) Perform data integration and concomitant risk assessment;
(iv) Correlate the results of human experimental data with cell and animal experiments and the development of alternative animal test (3R) developments for air pollutant testing;
(v) Provide mitigation strategies and models for emissions from road traffic and non-road equipment;
(vi) Provide data that will be used to support future traffic policy planning across the EU.