Beyond One Million Genome plusproject launches

The Beyond One Million Genome plus (B1MGplus) project is holding its kick-off meeting in Bucharest, Romania from 11-12 March 2025. The new project, funded by the European Commission under the Digital Europe Programme, is a Coordination and Support Action, following on from the B1MG project, which ran from 2020 to 2023. 

The B1MGplus project will support the creation of a European cross-border network of genomic and clinical data to improve healthcare outcomes. The project provides coordination and support to the 1+ Million Genomes (1+MG) initiative, the commitment of 23 EU countries and Norway to enable secure access to genomic and corresponding clinical data across Europe. ELIXIR-IT will participate in the project by contributing through its coordinating entity, the National Research Council (CNR).

The project aims to enable the sustainability of the 1+MG initiative by supporting signatory countries to create a federated European genomic data infrastructure. Such a sustainable federated genomic data infrastructure can provide secure access to genomic and related health data and enable the development of personalised healthcare that will benefit society.

To support the 1+MG initiative, the B1MGplus project will focus on delivering implementation tracks on the 1+MG Roadmap 2023-2027 with four objectives:

  • Support preparatory work for the creation and operation of a European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC)
  • Facilitate the strategic orientation of the 1+MG initiative
  • Support expert work to enable the uptake of genomics for healthcare and public health purposes
  • Develop data quality aspects of the 1+MG Framework

Interoperability across European initiatives and projects is critical to realising the 1+MG initiative. During the project period, the B1MGplus project partners will collaborate with other European initiatives, such as the European Health Data Space and the European Cancer Imaging Initiative to ensure the 1+MG Framework components are interoperable and adopted. The project will work closely with the European Genomic Data Infrastructure project, which is deploying the 1+MG infrastructure. 

Serena Scollen, the B1MGplus Project Coordinator and Head of ELIXIR Human Genomics and Translational Data team described the aims of the project:

“B1MGplus will provide critical support to the implementation of the 1+MG initiative and the creation of a European genomic data infrastructure which has the potential to improve the effectiveness, accessibility, efficiency, sustainability and resilience of health systems in the European Union.”

To get the latest updates on the project, follow B1MGplus on LinkedIn and subscribe to the quarterly newsletter.


B1MGplus website:

1st Call of ELIXIRxNextGenIT  for National Open Access (TNA/NOA)

The application process will close on April 15, 2025 (23:59 CET)

TNA/NOA programmes are initiatives aiming at supporting scientists by providing them free access to facilities, equipment, expertise, services and resources of Research Infrastructures (RIs) that they do not usually have access to. Within the context of the ELIXIRxNextGenIT project, a comprehensive protocol has been established to coordinate and manage the services for Genomics and Metabolomics from 3 research facilities in Italy.
The list of services available is described in the service catalogue.

The TNA/NOA access is free of charge and includes:

  • Consumables and other costs required to perform the analysis listed in the catalogue of services.
  • Data/Results repository for 3 months since the termination of the service agreement. 

Modality of access

Remote service (send-in-sample): under this modality, resources and services are offered without Users physically visiting the facility. Instead, Users must send samples for analysis to the facility, where operators conduct the analyses.

Access providers

  • ELIXIR-IT Facility at O.U. CNR-IBIOM, CNR, Istituto di Biomembrane, Bioenergetica e Biotecnologie Molecolari (IBIOM)
  • ELIXIR-IT Facility at O.U. University of Bari, Università di Bari Aldo Moro – Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Biotecnologie e Ambiente (DBBA)
  • ELIXIR-IT / OASI Metabolomics Facility at O.U. CNR-IBSBC, CNR, Istituto di Bioimmagini e Sistemi Biologici Complessi (IBSBC)

How to apply.

The application procedure is reported in the dedicated section of  ELIXIRxNextGenIT NOA Guidelines. Once the requirements have been fulfilled, applications have to be sent to no later than 23:59 on 15/04/2025, failure to comply will result in exclusion.

Selection and Award Communication.

Applications will be evaluated by a Scientific Committee and ranked based on feasibility, originality, scientific impact, and approach, as well as the applicants’ CVs.

Access will be granted to a selected number of proposals until the available budget has been fully allocated. Successful applicants will be contacted directly by April the 30th.

Further Questions

For any further question, please contact the NOA Call management at:

Available Documentation