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About ELIXIR Italy

The Italian Node of ELIXIR is coordinated by the National Research Council and currently includes 30 partners including research institutes, universities and technological institutions.

ELIXIR-IT, which has the ambition to raise an Italian Infrastructure for Bioinformatics (IIB) distributed across multiple centers, aims to bring together all the Italian researchers working in the field of bioinformatics, encouraging the exchange and development of skills,  integrating the various Italian bioinformatics resources that share international scientific recognition and are publicly available, and to contribute to their integration within the European infrastructure.


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ELIXIR-IT and Confindustria Bari-Bat: Together to Promote Open Innovation in Biotechnology

Confindustria Bari-Bat and the Italian node of the European Infrastructure Elixir for Life Sciences, coordinated by the National Research Council,

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“ELIXIRxNextGenIT & SEE LIFE: PNRR Platforms at the Service of the Nation”...
24/06/2024 09:00
25/06/2024 16:00
12/11/2024 00:00
13/11/2024 00:00
The workshop, open to personnel affiliated with ELIXIR-IT members, is organized within...
8/04/2024 13:00
10/04/2024 14:00

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