“ELIXIR-IT: A Bridge Between Research and Biotechnological Industry”: Key Takeaways
Listen to the experiences shared during the event “ELIXIR-IT: A Bridge Between Research and the Biotechnology Industry“, held in Bari on November 18-19, 2024, and
Home Author Archives: ELIXIR Italy
Il Nodo italiano di ELIXIR, che ha l’ambizione di costituire una Infrastruttura Italiana di Bioinformatica (IIB) distribuita su più centri, si propone di aggregare tutti i ricercatori italiani che operano nel campo della Bioinformatica, favorendo lo scambio e lo sviluppo di competenze, di mettere a sistema le varie risorse bioinformatiche già riconosciute in ambito internazionale e pubblicamente disponibili, e di contribuire alla loro integrazione in seno all’infrastruttura europea.
Un altro obiettivo primario di ELIXIR-IIB è quello di organizzare attività di training, sia di base che avanzato, nei diversi settori applicativi della Bioinformatica al fine di favorire la formazione di giovani bioinformatici, la cui domanda è in fortissima crescita in ambito nazionale ed internazionale.
Listen to the experiences shared during the event “ELIXIR-IT: A Bridge Between Research and the Biotechnology Industry“, held in Bari on November 18-19, 2024, and
Check out the January 2025 edition of the ELIXIR-IT newsletter! Click here to read the latest updates and insights: https://mailchi.mp/6693c5124c7f/elixir-it-gennaio-12724186?e=2339649b5a Subscribe to the ELIXIR-IT newsletter!
Check out the December edition of the ELIXIR-IT newsletter! Click here to read the latest updates and insights: https://us21.campaign-archive.com/?u=991fc078407a9769c13967356&id=723422849b Subscribe to the ELIXIR-IT newsletter! Navigate
The “ELIXIR-IT: A Bridge Between Research and Biotechnological Industry” event, held on November 18-19, 2024, at Villa Romanazzi Carducci in Bari, brought together research institutions
Check out the November edition of the ELIXIR-IT newsletter! Click here to read the latest updates and insights: https://us21.campaign-archive.com/?u=991fc078407a9769c13967356&id=99c44995e5 Subscribe to the ELIXIR-IT newsletter! Navigate
We are pleased to announce the collaboration between ELIXIR-IT and Researchalize. Researchalize is a platform designed to connect and support biomedical research in Italy. It
Check out the October edition of the ELIXIR-IT newsletter! Click here to read the latest updates and insights: https://us21.campaign-archive.com/?u=991fc078407a9769c13967356&id=06d32cd34e Subscribe to the ELIXIR-IT newsletter! Navigate
We are pleased to announce the signing of a strategic collaboration agreement between BBMRI.it, the Italian Node of the Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure,
In September 2024, an Operational Agreement was signed between the National Research Council (CNR), as the leading institution of ELIXIR-IT, and Scientifica Venture Capital, an
Check out the September edition of the ELIXIR-IT newsletter! Click here to read the latest updates and insights: https://mailchi.mp/ee81270f28a1/elixir-settembre-2024?e=2339649b5a Subscribe to the ELIXIR-IT newsletter! Navigate past